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                                                                                      Peace, love & aloha,





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What I offer


Come stay with me for a private yoga retreat; together we design your retreat to suit your personal needs and wishes.

If you need a break from daily life and want personal attention; come join me for a private yoga retreat designed to meet your specific needs and desires. Together we can work to take your practice to the next level...

Yoga and Surf Retreats

Surfing and yoga is a great combination!

Want to deepen your yoga practice, and learn to surf, or improve your surfing, get better technique and be able to catch more waves? Come join me on the north shore of Fuerteventura for a retreat of zen, surf, fun and sun. I offer retreats for groups (4-10 persons) or private (1-2 persons)

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Yoga classes, workshops and retreats in Fuerteventura

Deepen your physical practice and your understanding and practice of yoga philosophy and meditation.

I teach lessons, workshops and retreats for groups and privates.


Personalised lifestyle courses

Reset your mind and life!

Ready to take action toward greater inner peace and happiness? I teach a holistic approach of training (body, mind, heart and soul) that includes specific and easy mental training techniques that you can use to improve your life in the way you want (available online or in Fuerteventura).

If you have questions, please send me an email at